God-Sized Stories with Patricia Holbrook
God-Sized Stories with Patricia Holbrook
Interview with Dr. Don Schoendorfer about his incredible wheelchair foundation
Dr. Don Schoendorfer is a biomedical engineer, inventor, entrepreneur and humanitarian who, after a life-changing encounter in Morocco in 1979, made it his mission to address the need for mobility around the world, where 75 million people need wheelchairs but are unable to get one on their own.
Looking at the problem as an engineer he created an innovative, cost-efficient line of wheelchairs and founded Free Wheelchair Mission, to give away wheelchairs for free. He tells the story shares the story of how his invention transformed the lives of millions of people with disabilities in his new book, Miracle wheels. It’s an incredible story and interview.
- Find the book on Amazon: Miracle Wheels book
- Learn more about the foundation at https://www.freewheelchairmission.org/
- Read Patricia's Column for The Atlanta Journal-Constitution inspired by this story: https://wp.me/p7aKvF-20U
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